Why Memphis Investment Properties

  • Every department under one roof in our 22,000 square foot campus
  • Started in-house PM in 2002
  • 100+ Employees
  • Renovated over 7,000 properties
  • 1,000 + investors
  • Partnered with some of the worlds largest Hedge Funds to help them add 1,000 properties per year to their portfolio
  • Properties are personally owned by our company, renovated by our team, and managed in-house
  • Started owning and self managing rental properties in Memphis in 1979
  • Just under $40,000 average renovations per property
  • 1 Year Leases with projected 4% rental increases
  • Purchase all of our materials in bulk at discounted prices and stored in our 7,000 sq ft warehouse
  • No waiting list! Properties are released every Wednesday at 5 pm CST
  • Quality google reviews


Leasing Guarantee: If after 90 days of you owning the property and we have yet to have found a tenant, Memphis Investment Properties will pay your mortgage on day 91 until the day a tenant moves in. We will also waive our management fee until the property is leased. Fortunately, our in-house property management by Reedy and Company has the best full time leasing department. Over 90% of the time our investors close on a property there is already a tenant in place or the home is pre-leased!

​Maintenance Guarantee: We are proud to provide the highest quality renovations in town which is why we are able to offer a 1 year maintenance guarantee. Within one year of owning the property if there are any maintenance issues that arise that were originally on our scope of work then our team will make the repairs at no charge to the owners. Tenant damages and acts of God are not covered.

Referral Program:

The majority of our new investors come from our “Raving Fans”, individuals we have worked with before in the past that trust us so much they have referred their friends and family. If you would like to refer your friends and family we will send you $1500 as a referral bonus when they acquire their first property.

Contact Us

Preferred Lenders

We have compiled a list of lenders who have best served our clients in the past. They are chosen because of their ability to execute in a timely manner with competitive rates and fees to help our investors meet their goals. You are able to have up to 10 Conventional loans at 25% down, 30 years, with fixed interest rates.