The U.S. housing market has undergone significant changes in recent years. The Pandemic Housing Boom was driven by low interest rates, government assistance, and an increase in remote work. These factors caused a sharp rise in housing demand. However, the supply of available homes couldn’t keep up with the surge of buyers eager to take advantage of these favorable conditions.

This mismatch between demand and supply had significant consequences. As more and more people sought to purchase homes, the market was quickly drained of available  inventory. This scarcity of homes for sale, coupled with intense competition among buyers, led to rapid price increases. By May 2024, U.S. home prices had surged by an astonishing 50.3% compared to March 2020 levels, creating a significant barrier to affordability for many potential buyers.

The impact of these rising costs has been felt nationwide, making housing less accessible for many. Yet, within this challenging environment lies a unique opportunity for investors, particularly in markets like Memphis, TN, where newly built rental properties present a promising avenue for growth, appreciation, and income.

The Housing Supply Dilemma

One of the most pressing challenges facing the U.S. housing market today is the persistent supply deficit. Federal Reserve researchers have highlighted that to meet the surge in demand during the pandemic, housing construction would have needed to increase by an astounding 300%. However, housing supply is not as flexible as demand; it takes time to plan, approve, and build new homes. This lag has resulted in a significant shortfall of available housing, which continues to drive up prices and limit options for buyers and renters alike.

According to Freddie Mac, the U.S. housing market is currently short by an estimated 3.8 million units. This shortage has had a profound impact on both home prices and rental rates, particularly in areas with high demand and limited supply. While this situation poses challenges for many, it also creates opportunities for investors, especially those interested in new construction rental properties.

Why Memphis?

Memphis, TN, emerges as a particularly attractive market for those looking to invest in new construction rental properties. Unlike some of the more overheated markets in Florida and Texas, where inventory levels have begun to rise and create competitive pressures, Memphis remains relatively insulated from these trends. The city has experienced steady growth in both population and employment, factors that have driven consistent demand for rental properties.

Moreover, Memphis offers a more affordable entry point for investors compared to many other markets across the country. This affordability, combined with strong demand for rental housing, makes Memphis an ideal location for investors seeking to capitalize on the growing rental market.

New Construction: A Key Investment Strategy

Investing in new construction rental properties in Memphis offers significant advantages. Not only do these properties require less maintenance and come with modern amenities that attract renters, but they also present a compelling financial opportunity. On average, new construction homes are increasing in value at twice the rate of existing homes. While existing home values typically rise by about 3% annually, new construction properties in Memphis are appreciating at an impressive average rate of 6% each year. This higher rate of appreciation makes new construction homes an even more attractive investment option for those looking to maximize their returns.

Additionally, new construction homes often feature modern amenities and energy-efficient designs that are highly attractive to renters. These features can command higher rental rates and contribute to lower vacancy rates, as renters are more likely to be drawn to newer, well-maintained properties.

Investing in new buildings in Memphis lets property owners benefit from high demand and limited supply in the market. The city still doesn’t have enough housing, so rental properties will stay popular. This could be a good way for investors to make money.

The Policy Landscape

When considering an investment in new construction rental properties, it’s crucial to understand the broader policy environment that could impact the market. Vice President Kamala Harris recently introduced a plan aimed at tackling the nation’s housing affordability crisis. Her proposals include federal assistance for first-time homebuyers and tax incentives for builders to construct affordable rental housing.

While these policies may eventually lead to an increase in housing supply, they are unlikely to have an immediate effect, particularly in markets like Memphis where the supply-demand imbalance is still significant. In fact, the potential for increased demand from homebuyer assistance programs could drive up home prices even further, making rental properties an increasingly attractive option for those who are priced out of the buying market.

This dynamic highlights the importance of investing in markets with strong rental demand, like Memphis, where the need for affordable housing remains high. As the U.S. housing market continues to grapple with supply shortages and affordability challenges, new construction rental properties in Memphis offer a compelling investment opportunity.

In a housing market characterized by ongoing supply shortages and rising affordability concerns, new construction rental properties in Memphis, TN, stand out as a smart investment choice.

The city’s strong rental demand, combined with the affordability and appeal of new construction, provides investors with an opportunity to build long-term wealth. As the nation continues to confront its housing supply deficit, savvy investors will recognize the value in markets like Memphis, where investing in new rental properties is not just a sound financial decision but a strategic move in a rapidly evolving real estate landscape.